Straight Amount (Exact Order) - You win if your numbers match the winning numbers in the exact order they are drawn. 

Boxed Amount (Any Order) - You win if your numbers match the winning numbers in any order. A boxed payout is calculated by dividing the straight payout by the number of chances you have with your boxed numbers. For example: If you play boxed 2 ball game numbers 1-2, you have 2 different chances of winning and your payout would be as follows: 70/2 = 35 to 1. Or: If you play boxed 2 ball game numbers 1-1, you still only have 1 chance of winning and your payout would be as follows: 70/1 = 70 to 1. See the tables below to view examples of boxed and straight payouts.



2 Ball Online @ $60 (RTP-60%)

Amount played Straight 2 Way Box
(eg. 12, 21)
$1.00 $60 $30.00

3 Ball Online @ $600 (RTP-60%)

Amount played Straight 3 Way Box
(eg. 112,121, 211)
6 Way Box
(eg. 123, 132, 213, 231, 312, 321)
$1.00 $600.00 $200.00 $100.00 

4 Ball Online @ $4,000 (RTP-40%)

Amount played Straight 4 Way Box* 6 Way Box** 12 Way Box
24 Way Box
$1.00 $4,000.00 $1,000.00  $666.66 $333.33 $166.66 

*4 Way Box - match all 4 digits in any order, where 3 of the digits are the same. (eg. 1112, 1121, 1211, 2111)
**6 Way Box - match all 4 digits in any order, where two sets of digits are the same. (eg. 1122, 1221, 2211, 2112, 1212, 2121)
***12 Way Box - match all 4 digits in any order, where 2 of the digits are the same. (eg. 1123,1132,1213, 1231,1321,1312, 2311,2113,2131, 3211,3112,3121)
****24 Way Box - match all 4 digits in any order, where all 4 digits are different. (eg. 1234,1324,1423, 1243, 1342,1432, 2134,2314,2413, 2143,2341,2431, 3124,3214,3412, 3142,3241,3421, 4123,4321,4213, 4132,4231,4312)

Borlette (2 numbers) Online 1st Prize @ $44; 2nd Prize @ $20; 3rd Prize @ $8 (RTP-72%)

Amount played 1st Prize 2nd Prize 3rd Prize
$1.00 $44 $20 $8

Borlette Mixed (4 numbers) Online @ $560.00 (RTP-33.60%)

Amount played Winning Amount
$1.00 $560.00

Borlette 5 balls (5 numbers) Online @ $5,600 (RTP-5.6%)

Amount played Winning Amount
$1.00 $5,600

Triple Borlette (3 Balls) Online 1st Prize @ $480; 2nd Prize @ $160; 3rd Prize @ $80 (RTP-72%)

Amount played 1st Prize 2nd Prize 3rd Prize
$1.00 $480 $160 $80

Triple Borlette (4 Balls) Online 1st Prize @ $1600; 2nd Prize @ $800; 3rd Prize @ $400 (RTP-28%)

Amount played 1st Prize 2nd Prize 3rd Prize
$1.00 $1,600 $800 $400